Welcome to the Old Silcoatians. It means something to walk through our gates, to call yourself a Silcoatian.
The original Silcoates Old Boys’ Association was founded in 1897 and was designed to help former pupils keep in touch with the School and each other. Although we no longer have an official Association, all former pupils and staff can call themselves Old Silcoatians and, our newly appointed Alumni Officer, Mrs Corrina Slaski, wishes to provide opportunities for former pupils to engage with our School.
The annual Old Silcoatians’ Day is held every Summer. At this event, Old Silcoatians are invited to join in, or watch, various sporting events against current students, including Cricket, Hockey, Netball and Tennis, followed by lunch in the Hall.
Old Silcoatians are encouraged to attend events, such as the Tom Burrow Cup, the Remembrance Service, School productions and Music celebrations. In addition, tours of the School are available upon request, by emailing Alumni@Silcoates.org.uk.
All Old Silcoatians are also invited back to attend our Summer Ball, and celebrate their cohort’s time at Silcoates. We particularly encourage our ten-year and twenty-year leavers to attend and use this as a reunion opportunity.
Old Silcoatians play an important role in supporting leavers, and enabling them to continue their life-long connection with Silcoates, and are often called upon to provide current pupils with help and information when choosing a career, by attending our various Careers events, such as our Careers “Speed Dating” carousel or our Careers Breakfasts. Many Old Silcoatians offer Work Experience placements, and may also offer to be mentors, or help with interview practice.
If you are an Old Silcoatian, and would like to stay in touch, you can join our Alumni database by clicking on the link below, or you can connect via our LinkedIn or Facebook pages.
Our regular Old Flames newsletter details any updates, news, events, and obituaries. Please do let us know if you have any contributions for this publication.