Silcoates School does not have any endowments to finance bursaries or scholarships. Any money that is spent on these is therefore derived from the annual fee income.
As a School, we are conscious of the need for prudence and economy so that our fees are kept as affordable as possible and that any increases are kept to a minimum. However, in keeping with our foundation and ethos, we are also keen to make a Silcoates education accessible to those who may not come from a financially affluent background. It is on this basis that bursaries are offered, according to the criteria set out below.
Silcoates School is committed to broadening access to the School by offering to eligible parents, and/or those with legal parental responsibility, financial assistance with the payment of school fees. Our aim is to admit children who will benefit from the ethos and activities of the school community and to fulfil the aims of the School’s charitable purposes.
A bursary is a grant made by the School to assist parents to pay the fees in cases of special need. It is usually offered to those joining Year 7 (aged 11+) or the Sixth Form (aged 16+). Entrants at other age groups in the Senior School will also be considered, though only in exceptional circumstances would a bursary be offered to a pupil in the Junior School or Pre-School.
The value of the bursary awarded can be up to 100% of the school fees, to allow access to independent education for those who would otherwise be excluded on grounds of cost.
All bursary awards are means-tested and parents wishing to apply for a bursary must complete a Statement of Financial Circumstances form. The award is subject to an annual review, both in the light of family income and the good progress of the pupil, though any change to the level of fees assistance is only made after consultation with parents.
The closing date for Bursary Applications is the 15th January in the year of September entry i.e. 15th January 2025 for entrance in September 2025.
A limited number of scholarships are awarded when it is apparent that an individual’s outstanding ability will assist other pupils to develop and improve due to the scholar’s contribution to school life. On that basis, all awards carry clear expectations of involvement and application and this includes representing the School at various functions. All scholarships are subject to an annual review against progress and effort. The School expects all scholars to be role models through their conduct and their positive contribution to life at Silcoates.
If you require any information about our policy towards bursaries and scholarships, or any further information on how to apply, please contact our Admissions Team, at
Academic scholarships
Are awarded to those entering the Senior School, whether from the Junior School or from elsewhere, who have shown outstanding academic attainment, such as in the 11+ entrance tests, have a strong reference from their previous school (if applicable) and have demonstrated their ability and commitment in an interview with the Head. In the Sixth Form, a scholarship will only be considered if a pupil has achieved at least five 8 or 9 grades at GCSE (or A* where applicable), or they have achieved eight 7 to 9 grades. Only in exceptional circumstances will an academic scholarship be offered to a pupil in the Junior School or Pre-School. The value of the scholarship awarded is as at the discretion of the Head but the remission will be no more than 20% of the full fees.
Music scholarships
Music Scholarships at Silcoates may be awarded to candidates who demonstrate outstanding ability in Music for their age. Pupils entering the Senior School are invited to apply and must either be a current Year 6 pupil in the Silcoates Junior School or an external candidate who has passed the entrance assessment for the Senior School.
Contribution to the Music Department
Music Scholars will be expected to make continued positive contributions to the musical life of the School, demonstrating excellence, dedication, and leadership throughout. Scholars will pursue Music as an academic subject at GCSE, attend all School concerts/productions (approximately one per half term), attend relevant weekly musical groups, and support relevant open days and open evenings.
The award
Music Scholars will benefit from:
- Up to 10% fee remission (value decided by the Head).
- Free weekly tuition on their main instrument with one of our eleven instrumental specialists.
- Development of musicianship and leadership skills through taking a senior role in music-making at Silcoates.
Applicants in Year 6, for 11+ Music Scholarships, should be at least ABRSM Grade 3 (or equivalent) in their main instrument.
Applicants in Year 11, for 16+ Music Scholarships, should be at least ABRSM Grade 7-8 or equivalent standard before applying.
Successful applicants will be invited to an Audition Morning, where they will be required to perform two contrasting pieces of any length on their first instrument. In addition, they will be interviewed by the Director of Music.
Candidates who play additional instruments to an equivalent level, will be given the opportunity to perform these accordingly.
Sports scholarships
Sport Scholarships are the highest sporting accolade offered by Silcoates School and are offered at the discretion of the School. Pupils entering the Senior School are invited to apply and must either be a current Year 6 pupil in the Silcoates Junior School or an external candidate who has passed the entrance assessment for the Senior School.
Contribution to the PE Department
Under the direction of the Director of Sport, it is expected that Scholars will:
- Become a role model within the School
- Set high standards
- Commit, fully, to the co-curricular programme
- Encourage and motivate others to participate and commit to School Sport
- Participate in and promote the cultural life of Silcoates School
- Model key sporting values of teamwork, fair play, respect, excellence, positivity, humility and commitment.
Selfless dedication to Silcoates’ Sports fixtures and co-curricular activities is required.
As an athlete develops and grows within the School, Scholars will be expected to coach and support younger year groups. Senior Sports Scholars are expected to mentor younger Scholars, to guide and advise them. Successful Scholars will work with the Director of Sport on an individualised programme to support their development.
The Award
Sports Scholars will benefit from:
- Up to 10% fee remission (value decided by the Head).
- Specialist support and mentoring through our dedicated ‘SHAPE’ programme, which offers enhanced guidance in Skill Development, Health & Well-being, Athletic Development, Psychological Development and Educational Development.
Scholarships are awarded to candidates who are able to demonstrate significant skill and a high level of proficiency and prowess in one of our major Sports listed below:
Girls: Cricket, Hockey, Netball, Tennis
Boys: Cricket, Hockey, Tennis, Rugby
As there are other Sports that make up the curriculum, such as Swimming and Cross Country, if your child is involved in another curriculum Sport, this may be considered.
Applicants will be invited to an Assessment Day, which will include fitness tests, assessment in two of the School’s main Sports, and an interview with both the Director of Sport and the Head. Demonstration of potential to compete at county, academy, regional or national level is required, alongside evidence of current sporting excellence.
Before any scholarship is awarded, we thoroughly assess the contribution a candidate would make to the broader school community, alongside their ability to represent and perform at county level. As such, each application is reviewed on its individual merits.