GCSE Results 2023
A wave of celebration sweeps through Silcoates School as Year 11 pupils unveil a strong set of GCSE results. The School takes immense pride in the accomplishments of its pupils, with 96% of all grades achieved at 9 to 4 (formerly A* to C) and 40% at 9 to 7 (A*- A equivalent). Their collective success underscores the commitment of the pupils and the dedication of the teaching staff who have guided them along this journey.
Silcoates is particularly delighted to share a 14% increase in the percentage of grades 9 to 7 from the pre-pandemic results of 2019. In a demonstration of significant progress and the added value of a Silcoates Education, the number of 9 to 7 grades is 8% higher than the predictions from the pupils’ external GCSE baseline assessments; reaffirming Silcoates’ commitment to delivering a comprehensive education that nurtures both academic prowess and personal growth.
Further, 64% of all subject grades earned by pupils were awarded at grades 9 to 6 (formerly A* to B) also representing a 14% increase from the pre-pandemic results of 2019.
Standing tall amongst the achievers are the following pupils:
Joshua Ibbotson, Alex Thomson, Charlotte Richards, Abigail Roebuck, Jessica Drewett, Amir Dawodu and Lydia Peach who have distinguished themselves through their relentless dedication, collectively achieving a total of 57 grades 9 to 7 [A* to A Grades].
Equally praiseworthy are Ella Taylor and Freya Payne whose hard work and diligence have earned them well-deserved success, achieving on average, two whole grades ‘Value-Added’ across each of their nine subjects.
Silcoates Head, Chris Wainman, expressed his joy, sharing, “We take great pride in the accomplishments of our Year 11 pupils this year. The remarkable distribution of their top grades and the impressive value they have added to their education reflect the ongoing progression and advancement of Silcoates. It’s no unexpected development that seventy-five percent of our pupils aspire to further their educational pursuits within our newly revitalised Sixth Form Centre.”
These stellar results serve as a glowing testament to Silcoates School’s enduring commitment to academic brilliance and holistic education. The school’s continued dedication to cultivating a supportive and inclusive learning environment is evident in the triumphs of its pupils, who consistently rise to meet challenges and exceed expectations.
The remarkable distribution of their top grades and the impressive value they have added to their education reflect the ongoing progression and advancement of Silcoates.
Chris Wainman, Headmaster